Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Fwd: The Sexy Subject Lines & Direct Marketing Edition


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---- Original Message ----
From: Shira from Hunter & Bard <shira@hunterandbard.com>
To: rightbuy18 <rightbuy18@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, May 10, 2016 2:02 pm
Subject: The Sexy Subject Lines & Direct Marketing Edition

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This week Shira interviews Idan Gazit from Heroku.
Click here to find it in the iTunes Store or on Stitcher.


An expat New Yorker living in Tel Aviv, Idan is a hybrid engineer/designer and data visualization geek. He's currently the UX lead for Heroku's data products, and previously worked on a number of startups (to empty his bank account) and consulting work (to fill his bank account).

Idan writes brief things on twitter as @idangazit, and longer things at gazit.me.

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Why Is Direct Marketing So Important?

There's an old marketing adage that dates back too many years to consider which states that people only notice something after they've seen it three times. Of course, back then people only saw ads on TV, in magazines, and on billboards and they hadn't yet been trained to studiously ignore all forms of advertising.
Nowadays, ads are everywhere and because we've become inured to the onslaught, we no longer notice anything unless it strikes a specific chord.  Which is where Direct Marketing comes in.
Whereas indirect marketing serves to shout a company's marketing message to the skies and hope it connects with someone at some useful level, direct marketing aims to directly impact a customer's buying decision through carefully targeted messaging.  Let's take a look at the different ways that can be beneficial.

The Secret to Sexy, Clickable Subject Lines

Writing great content is one thing, getting people to read it is a whole other kettle of fish. It truly doesn't matter how well written and engaging your email might be, if no one ever opens it, no one will ever get to enjoy the prose or be moved by the perfect call to action. It's critical to spend almost as much time crafting engaging subject lines as you do crafting great emails.
Sorry to have misled you, but the secret to writing sexy, clickable subject lines is that sadly, there's no specific secret. There are just a whole bunch of useful guidelines. We recommend you read them over and then give them a try. See what combinations work best for you. Test a few options. Test a few more. In the end you'll figure out your own personal subject line secret sauce. 

Read more..

What We're Reading

Here are the top stories trending this week:

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Hunter & Bard works with companies on marketing strategy, content marketing, branding and design. If you'd like to get more information - we'd love to show you our work, tell you about the results we've brought our customers, and help your company grow.  

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