Friday 24 July 2020

How to make the corona go away in Israel and why it’s better for the economy to lockdown than lose one percent or more of the population

We have about 7 million people in this country.

That's at least 70000 deaths if we stay open.

But why is the Corona more dangerous than its predecessors? Because it is more contagious than anything we have seen since the Spanish flu in 1918.

Don't forget the percentages of people who will die from no available medical care, strokes, heart and lung disease etc. etc.

We also don't have the medical manpower to handle this many sick people.
And with so many sick, who will be able to make money? The economy will only get worse!

First off, lockdown. Just like we did in the first wave. It saved us. In the long run, a two to three month lock down won't kill the economy! But, it will hurt business that can't pivot. So we need delivery!! Of all essential services! Daily! Btw electronics and especially cellphones include essential services. Internet etc.
Just ask our top Rabbis.

Coughsync for the intubated.
If someone doesn't have a mask LE or MDA should be handing them out too those who cannot afford it.
And heavy financial supports. Think 3 month emergency economies. Amazon Israel. All the new work from home positions.

But one thing we have to focus on is keeping everyone sane and healthy during a 3 month wait for the virus to clear from our midsts.
Everyone will need a treadmill or exercise equipment or Yoga mat. Everyone will need family access somehow and Netflix or Elevate candy crush whatever keeps you busy. Like an online job.
Restaurants and food will need to be delivered.

We have a strong army for Pete's sake!

Yes we did hear that domestic abuse went through the roof during the first lockdown! We have to be able to make Shalom Bayit? I believe it's called for three months.

There has to be a way to get money, food, essentials, sanity and health to the country right away. I don't think anyone realizes, but if we don't move the button now, like Bibi did when there was no government, than we are going to see a zombie world in Israel. Mark my words people. Either we lock it down now, with all these supports in place, or we watch the death toll climb to 70 000+. And that's a low estimate. Dear Government of Israel, you now have the power to let 5 percent of us die, leaving the country and economy damaged forever, or bring us through this new war with wartime movements.

If I was Czar, I would feed everyone, lock it all down , and avert the greatest disaster to come to Israel in our modern times. 

Ok so we made a mistake of opening up too soon, but let's get the Israeli war machine to fight this attack against our health.

Love Always,

This is not a game. No one left alone . No one left to die. We are all in this together. Thank you for reading.

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