Monday, 3 July 2017

Fwd: Millions of Americans’ Health Insurance at Risk

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From: Center for American Progress <>
Date: Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 9:31 PM
Subject: Millions of Americans' Health Insurance at Risk

The latest news from the Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative.
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Dear friends,

This week, Senate Republicans postponed the vote on their health care bill, which attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. When the bill language was unveiled, many advocates objected to the bill's cuts to Medicaid and the tax cuts for the wealthy, including faith leaders who held a 23-hour vigil outside the Capitol this week.

New analysis from the Center for American Progress shows the impact that this bill could have on health insurance coverage in each state. If this plan is implemented, not only would about 50,500 fewer people have coverage in each congressional district by 2026, but those coverage losses would be concentrated among people in the Medicaid program: low-income families, children, and people with disabilities. "Like the House's repeal bill, the Senate's version contains a provision allowing states to waive the requirement that plans cover essential health benefits," the authors state. "The CBO [Congressional Budget Office] predicts that half of the population would live in waiver states under the Senate bill."

Reducing or eliminating health insurance coverage for the sick, poor, and vulnerable cuts against core values at the heart of all faiths. We hope this resource is useful to you as you fight to protect the dignity of all life in our nation.


The Faith Team

P.S. You can follow the work of our team on Twitter at @CAPfaith.

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Faith and Progressive Policy


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