Thursday 28 July 2016

Fwd: Malarkey


Date: July 28, 2016 at 05:41PM

"Don't boo, vote." July 28, 2016 Malarkey "He has no clue, period." That's what Vice President Joe Biden had to say about Donald Trump last night. Yesterday, the A team took the stage to make the case against Donald Trump. Some highlights: Biden made malarkey happen. He also said, "No major nominee has ever known less or been less prepared" than Donald Trump. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, "I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see one." Tim Kaine spoke Spanish (and English) about American values and assured us that if Clinton is elected dad jokes won't leave the White House with Uncle Joe. And finally, after listing off some of the greatest hits from his two terms, President Obama silenced a booing crowd and then signed, sealed, and delivered his recommendation with a hug. The finale. It's finally Hillary's night and she'll be introduced by Chelsea. Here's what you can expect to hear about: Equal pay: The average full-time working woman earns 79 cents for every dollar earned by the average full-time working man. And that's generous: Black women earn 60 cents and Hispanic women earn 55 cents for every dollar a white man earns. Trump thinks women will earn the same as men if they "do as good a job" as men. But in the real world, overwhelming data shows that it's not that simple and the overall differences in men and women's pay is not just about difference in skills. In the real world, the gender pay gap is multifaceted and women don't need to try harder to "do as good a job" as men, they need a variety of policies to help ensure they earn equal pay for equal work. Paid Leave: Do it for the kids. And their parents. And the economy. By it, we mean pass comprehensive, guaranteed paid family and medical leave and enable workers to earn paid sick days. Workers should not have to choose between a necessary paycheck or taking care of themselves or a loved one. Donald Trump may not have ever wanted to care for an infant, saying back in the day about his kids "I won't do anything to take care of them," but plenty of Americans want and need time off to care for family members, while holding down a job and earning enough to put food on the table. Child Care: Having a kid is expensive and it's not just the diapers. Child care for an infant and a 4-year-old costs more than the median rent in all 50 states. In 28 states it costs more than college. But taking time off to care for a new child can come at an even greater cost (find out how great a cost here). Unions: You know what helps workers and gives families more money to get by? Groups that enable workers to collectively bargain, aka unions. Unions help workers earn more, especially women of color. On the other hand, Donald Trump is a union buster. Looks like Uncle Joe was right that Trump doesn't know how to help the middle class because as unions go, so does the middle class. Minimum wage: The federal minimum wage hasn't been raised in seven years. In that period of time Congressional Republicans have voted more than 50 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act, but still refused to raise the minimum wage. That means it's still $7.25, which means someone working full time earning the minimum wage earns only $15,080 a year—below the poverty line for a family of two. Yesterday, Trump—who earlier this campaign season said "wages are too high,"—said he would be open to a , adding that states should be able to set their own wages. This isn't the first time Trump has flip-flopped on the minimum wage. WHAT'S TRENDING Making history. Today, Sarah McBride will become the first openly transgender person to address a major party convention. High confidence. That's how sure American intelligence agencies are that the Russian government was behind the stolen emails from the DNC. No, this is not a House of Cards plotline. Yesterday in a press conference Donald Trump asked Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton's email. And yesterday, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) said troops in Iraq are worried about the danger Trump's rhetoric is putting them in already. Watch the video. Climate denial. The Republican platform used to try to fight climate change, now it denies it. Speaking of climate deniers... Earlier this week, Attorneys General from New York and Massachusetts said—using a lot of u words like unwarranted, unprecedented, and unconstitutional—that they will not comply with a subpoena from Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), which is seeking details on their investigations into whether ExxonMobil misled investors and the public on the threat of climate change. (ICYMI: Reports earlier this year showed ExxonMobil taking overt action to cover up the science behind climate change, and now a group of AGs is taking them to court). In addition to its own climate denying efforts, ExxonMobil has given more than $33 million to organizations perpetuating climate denial. Share On Twitter Progress Report | CAP Action Fund 1333 H ST NW | Washington, DC 20005 Contributions to Center for American Progress Action Fund are not tax deductible Donate | Manage Email Options | Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe This email was sent to rightbuy18@GMAIL.COM. Did someone forward you this email? Sign up for the Progress Report here.

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