Friday, 10 June 2016

hey Israel, consider it this way, you now have another 2 million soldiers, just conscript all the "Palestinians" aka New Arab Isralies, just make sure to shut down the Jordanian, Egyptian and Syrian borders, lol #theycalledbengurioncrazytoo #benguriontings (Posted on Facebook) starts June 11, 2016 at 12:19AM

Title: hey Israel, consider it this way, you now have another 2 million soldiers, just conscript all the "Palestinians" aka New Arab Isralies, just make sure to shut down the Jordanian, Egyptian and Syrian borders, lol #theycalledbengurioncrazytoo #benguriontings (Posted on Facebook)



Starts: June 11, 2016 at 12:19AM

Ends: June 11, 2016 at 01:09AM