Thursday, 9 June 2016

dear person who ruined this morning's work, you did over $10 000 CDN dollars in damages, so you will end up paying me $20 000 and spending 2+ years in prison. thanks. (Posted on Facebook) starts June 09, 2016 at 03:04PM

Title: dear person who ruined this morning's work, you did over $10 000 CDN dollars in damages, so you will end up paying me $20 000 and spending 2+ years in prison. thanks. (Posted on Facebook)


Location: damages, so you will end up paying me $20 000 and spending 2+ years in prison. thanks. (Posted on Facebook)

Starts: June 09, 2016 at 03:04PM

Ends: June 09, 2016 at 03:54PM