Wednesday 1 July 2015

Fwd: Why Do Jews Toast L'Chaim--To Life?

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Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 7:06 PM
Subject: Why Do Jews Toast L'Chaim—To Life?
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Tammuz 13, 5775 · June 30, 2015
Editor's Note:

Dear Friend,

I spent a whole lot of time this morning in an awful traffic jam. As the cars inched forward, I wondered what was holding us up. Was it roadwork, or something more sinister? Should I check Waze? Then I finally saw the problem: a traffic light wasn't working. Those wishing to cross the intersection were making baby advances into the melee, and those poor people needing to turn left . . . I fear they may still be waiting.

That got me thinking that one of the most important things we can do as parents is create "traffic lights" for our children, telling them what is red and what is green. What is allowed and what isn't, where to go and which lines not to cross. And there are the yellow lights as well, some of which are to be treated as red, and others which are okay in a pinch.

Come to think of it, we adults can probably use a few internal traffic lights as well.

Have a great week.

Mendy Kaminker,
on behalf of the Editorial Team

P.S.: What do you think about internal traffic lights? Pro or con, or perhaps this is a "yellow"? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

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