Thursday 9 July 2015

Fwd: Meet the Majeskys: Chabad's New Emissaries to Ghana, West Africa

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Date: Tue, Jul 7, 2015, 3:16 PM
Subject: Meet the Majeskys: Chabad's New Emissaries to Ghana, West Africa
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Tammuz 20, 5775 · July 7, 2015
Editor's Note:

We've just entered a period of time known as the "Three Week," when we mourn the destruction of our Holy Temples, our nation's dispersion, and the suffering that has been our lot for much of the past 2,000 years.

In Hebrew this time is called Bein Hametzarim, which means "Between the Straits." Visualize yourself squeezed between two cliffs, and you understand the name. As a nation, more often than not, we've been between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

But there is a positive message here as well. Sure, it takes effort to extract yourself from a pinch, but when you do, you're likely to catapult forward, going farther and faster than if you'd not been pinched in the first place.

Yes, we are squeezed, and it sure isn't comfortable, but we're looking forward to the final push, when all our suffering and wandering will propel us to the greatest spiritual heights. May it happen soon.

The Editorial Team

P.S.: Have you ever felt squeezed by life circumstances, only to to transform the negative into a positive and come out stronger, healthier and happier than before? Please share your experience in the comments section. We'd love to be inspired by you.

This Week's Features Printable Magazine
By Yehuda Shurpin
3 Weeks
Despite the obvious rawness of the environment, I could not help but think about the potential this apartment had.
By Chaya Strasberg

More in 3 Weeks:
 Rebuilding the Temple with Love (By Lieba Rudolph)
Judaism 101
So, you have been invited to join a family for a Shabbat meal. What do you need to know?
By Nechama Golding
Editor's Pick
Soul Foods of the Secret-Bearers
By Michael Kigel

More in Editor's Pick:
 A Slice of Jewish History: The Dreyfus Affair (By Chaya Mindel Way)
Although Moses is not completely reconciled to his death in the desert (as we will see later in the Parshah of Va'etchanan), he can not leave the world in peace without knowing that his people will be in good hands.
By Chaya Shuchat

More in Parshah:
 The Uphill Battles That Shaped Our Nation (By Naftali Silberberg)
 Don't Psychoanalyze! (By Shimon Posner)
 Learn the Parshah in Depth
Join Rabbi Mordechai Weiss as he tours the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and discover its history and significance.
Watch Watch (5:15)

More in Video:
 The Practical Laws of Cooking on Shabbat (By Rabbi Yosef Shusterman)
 The Future Tribal Division of the Land of Israel (By Zalman Kaplan)
Adapted by Dovid Shraga Polter
There are days when my brain is so fired up with worries of what if's and how could's that my fight-or-flight instincts take center stage, resulting in mental paralysis, emotional hyperactivity, and the never-ending feeling of swimming upstream while weighted down.
By Dena Schusterman

More in Women:
 Rough. Soft. Forest. (By Chana Scop)
What's summer without frozen desserts?
By Miriam Szokovski
Jewish News
Chabad couple offers education, classes, programs and services for adults and kids.
By Menachem Posner

More in Jewish News:
 In Economically Battered Greece, Rabbinic Students Offer Comfort to Jewish Residents - Helping local Chabad emissaries spread a message of faith and hope (By Menachem Posner)
 The Senior Yeshivah Student: Traveling Near and Far, Offering Jewish Content and Connection (By Mindy Rubenstein)
 Rebbe's Teachings to Advise Jewish Preschool Directors in London (By Faygie Levy)

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