Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Fwd: Balak: Sheini

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From: The OU's Shnayim Mikra <>
Date: Sun, Jun 28, 2015, 8:01 AM
Subject: Balak: Sheini
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Balak – Sheini

Shnayim Mikra
Balak – Sheini

Permission Denied; Granted on Appeal

When Balaam got up in the morning, he told the messengers that permission had been denied. They relayed this message back to Balak, who responded by sending a larger and more prestigious delegation. They told Balaam that he would be paid anything he asked for his services.

Balaam replied, "Even if Balak gave me his entire palace full of gold and silver, I could not come if it were counter to G-d's instructions." (It is implicit in his response what Balaam feels his services are worth.)

G-d saw how badly Balaam wanted to go, so He acquiesced to the request but He cautioned Balaam to stay in line and not do anything beyond that which he is instructed.

By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Listen to the shiur on OU Torah

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