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Date: Fri, Jun 12, 2015, 12:55 PM
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What Happened To Dinosaurs? Google's Direct Answer Gives Non-Scientific Theory From Religious Site

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Danny Sullivan | Search Engine Land  Search Engine Land | 24 comments


Greg | Thursday, June 11th | View on Search Engine Land

Hi Danny,

I did read the article. The article, not I, has the bias. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that [bias] woven through the article. The ...

Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan replied | Friday, June 12th | View on Search Engine Land

No, you presume the article believes there has to be a separation. The article itself doesn't say any such thing.

It says that the answer is from a religious ...


Greg | Thursday, June 11th | View on Search Engine Land

Looks like the author of this article has more of an "Atheistic/Socialist Dogmatic axe to grind" than anything else. Would you be equally "offended" if you were looking for ...

Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan replied | Thursday, June 11th | View on Search Engine Land

Greg, the author was just writing up a story that the editors -- in particular me -- suggested. Because it's an important story that reflects the difficulty that Google has in ...

22 additional comments | View the full discussion on Search Engine Land

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Ask The SEOs At #SMX Advanced

1 person you follow joined this discussion: Jenny Halasz | Search Engine Land  Search Engine Land | 7 comments

Marios Alexandrou

Marios Alexandrou | Thursday, June 11th | View on Search Engine Land

Hi Shari,

For the subdomain/folder question are you speaking from hands-on experience with a move from a subdomain to subfolder with no improvement? Or from an understanding of how ...

Jenny Halasz

Jenny Halasz replied | Thursday, June 11th | View on Search Engine Land

Hi Marios, thanks for your comment *waves*. I've guided several sites through a transition from to in the last year or so, and ...

5 additional comments | View the full discussion on Search Engine Land

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